Sunday, July 04, 2010

Thank God we have a Nobel Peace Prize winner in the White House now

June 2010 was the bloodiest month for NATO troops in Afghanistan since the beginning of the war nine years ago. There were either 101 or 81 fatalities, depending on whether you use the figures from iCasualties or official military statements, but each figure is the highest reported by its respective source since operations began in 2001. I don't have any figures in front of me for Afghan casualties, military or civilian, but given that the jump in NATO deaths is being attributed to the intensification of offensive operations in Taliban-controlled areas I'd imagine they're up as well.

I've found depressingly little comment on this news online. My memories of antiwar sentiment during the Bush era are starting to seem almost like a dream from which I've just awakened: I can vividly remember it, so vividly I could swear it was real, but there's nothing concrete I can grasp to prove it ever actually happened.

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Scott said...

What's surprising about this?

Liberals don't hate war. They only hate wars that they're not in charge of.

Subtle distinction to be sure, but vital.

Anonymous said...

I happened to meet an antiwar lefty about six months ago. I considered bagging and tagging him, because I think it's important to track species on the verge of extinction.

John Markley said...


I'm not surprised by the hypocrisy. But even though I expected this, the sheer speed and brazenness of it still impresses me a little.